Industriales Magazine
Industriales Magazine is a quarterly publication with trending topics to keep members informed about developments in the Puerto Rico economy, and its impact on the manufacturing & related-services industries. The editorial content includes, but is not limited to, topics such as investment, energy, international commerce and logistics, federal and local legislation, fiscal policy, and investments.

PRMA Bulletin
PRMA Bulletin is a newsletter to keep members informed about the association's work, recognize outstanding members, and announce upcoming events. The editorial content is designed to address the most pressing issues during the period, letting members know about lobbying efforts, government incentives, the availability of custom guides, free webinars, and scheduled educational events.

EcoNews is a quarterly publication. It provides a snapshot of the Puerto Rico and the United States economies, with a custom analysis that covers manufacturing, employment, fiscal revenues, and inflation. The publication presents an outlook that is based on the most reliable sources. Listings of the most relevant economic indicators are provided in Construction, Retail, Exports and Imports, and Manufacturing areas.